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Lawyer Strasbourg

Cour européenne des droits de l'homme

Lawyer at the Strasbourg Bar, Maître Dilbadi GASIMOV holds a doctorate in law and a Master 2 in Human Rights, and has extensive legal experience obtained during his activities both within international organizations and national bodies.  

Before training at the Ecole Régionale des Avocats du Grand Est and joining the Strasbourg Bar, he notably worked at the International Criminal Court and the Council of Europe and acted as editor of the Legal review “Europe of Freedoms” published by the University of Strasbourg.  
Maître GASIMOV is also an expert for the Council of Europe and often speaks at international conferences on the subject of human rights.
He intervenes in multiple areas of law to represent and defend your interests both before national courts and international organizations.
With this experience, Maître GASIMOV is at your disposal to listen to you and advise you.
Maître GASIMOV works in Strasbourg.
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